Sunday, 14 April 2013

Short Film Review - On Your Own

This short film starts off with the company logo and some non-diagetic sound to introduce the film. The sound represents how powerful the film is as there is an important message that they want people to recognise and listen to. It starts off with a voice over from the main character who introduces himself and what he is like. The title of the film then comes on and then we see some of the narrative as an example of what he is trying to say to the audience. When he is talking to his friends in the corridoor, the non-diagetic music seems quite threatening and suspicious. This acts as a warning that something bad might happen if he goes along with what they tell him to do. The extreme close ups of the man's face also act as warning signs as they are quite intimidating and threatening. Towards the end of the film, the voice over appears again, but this time, it is talking about how he will change the way he is and that he has learnt not to say "yes" all of the time.
I found this short film interesting because of how meaning was conveyed throughout. I liked how a voice over was used to create the narrative and how the exaples used helped to demonstrate this. I want my short film to be similar in the way that it helps to get meaning across, but not being too obvious about it. I think this short film is good in the way that it does this.

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